For me abandoned places are not places of gloom, but are only vessels holding the past in the present. I find them both mysterious and beautiful, speaking volumes to the heart of my soul. This picture depicts a place, once only existing in my mind, and now brought to life in yours, how marvelous!. I hear that in many places in the world abandoned cathedrals are taking new shape. Many are being transformed into hotels, flea markets, coffee shops, and the like; and some engulfed, encroached by the present, as in my fictional picture of Duke Chapel, in Durham, NC., deteriorating and overrun by their changing surroundings. Some may think this morbid, but for some like me, they experience an awakening to the realities of life and death, here and not here. I learned the shortness of life, and the final exhale of death; and learned to get on with life. I now look upon the past and its passing as a celebration of life knowing, at least I lived to consider it. ~JB~