Young Apprentice

My Young Apprentice,
   I received your letter this morning; You write that you have met a woman who you are very interested in knowing better. You write that your mother says she is a gift from heaven; and you ask: “How do you know if a girl truly cares for you or whether she is a Harlot and is only interested in stealing your soul.

   You have asked me such questions on many occasions compels me to write you with this recommendation; though am hesitant, as I treasure your soul, and wish that no harm should befall you. But alas, I fear you will seek her out and will follow her too far to find out your answer.

   So, my Young Apprentice, take my words and bind them in your heart that you might be spared her poison if she should strike you while you are intoxicated under her spell. So, investigate your mother's assumptions if you dare; but be advised to heed my words and who knows what you may learn. Be wise Young Apprentice, it is your soul that is at stake; do not enter the arena unprepared; wear the full armor of your God and mine; and if I am right, she has been sent only to test you.

   Do not be fooled by her, it may take days or weeks of seemingly innocent conversation before she strikes; do not fall in love with her, do not fall at all. Listen and learn the nature of this beast; but remember, the serpent wants your soul; she is not what she appears to be; and she is not playing a game of chance, since she almost always wins her prey. For this reason, you must not take any chances, stay clear of her on high ground and be watchful of her ways.

 Talk little to her, if at all. Listen twice to her words. In order for her to subdue you she will give you something for free to lure you in and it will satisfy. But you will want more at any price. She will offer you more but will explain how she too has needs from you. Listen carefully to her words. She will speak as a serpent; her voice will be soft, innocent, and alluring; and her lure will capture you if you are unprepared and temptations disarm you. If you fail to heed my words and fall under her power, then, and only then will she own your soul. If captured you will seek to please her willing; in order to have more of her.

   You must not forget; the Harlot, like a fine wine will intoxicate you and you will want more of her at any price. You find yourself willing to do anything to have more of her, and you will promise anything she desires. But she will only be satisfied with more of you, and the more you will give her until your strength is depleted.

   Remember my words young Apprentice, the prey never has its captor, and the captor always control's the captive soul. If you have followed her lead and fed on her bounty then you will be lost. So, exit her door while you may; like a thief in the night your exit will first be hidden in the darkness of your own soul; and then taken from you; and you will find no way of escape. Trust my words and exit while you can; you may hear them call to you in the darkness; hold fast to them as a sword, strike quickly at her and be done; and you may win the day and live to fight another.

To continue your lessons read the Proverbs of King Solomon and be wise,
